PSEG's Focus on Biodiversity
PSEG is focused on promoting and enhancing biodiversity through natural resource conservation while continuing to operate in a safe and reliable manner. This effort is guided by our corporate Environment, Health and Safety policy. Not only do we aim to conserving biodiversity in our operations, we also work with external partnerships through corporate investment and philanthropy to support the enhancement of important biodiversity areas and habitats.
PSEG aims to:
- Address present and future considerations and competing objectives as part of strategic planning, avoiding and minimizing negative impacts on biodiversity and, when the impacts cannot be avoided, reducing damage and mitigating their effects.
- Assess impacts on biodiversity and habitats such as bird interactions with power lines, pollinator habitat loss, vegetation management practices and construction activities; we will continuously adapt strategies and plans to address these issues.
- Engage with stakeholders such as local communities, academia, conservation non-profit organizations and regulatory agencies with expertise in biodiversity matters, where appropriate, when planning, building and operating energy infrastructure with the objective of addressing opportunities for protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
- In the case of residual impacts, implement mitigation strategies that respect the “no net loss” principle of biodiversity and, where possible, have a net positive benefit.
- As required, conduct environmental impact studies that provide an assessment of the effects on biodiversity.
- Report on performance and remaining committed to continuous improvement in our biodiversity programs and sharing best practices when appropriate.
2023 Sustainability Report
Read more in our 2023 Sustainability Report about how we’re doing our part to protect New Jersey’s diverse wildlife – both at PSE&G and PSEG Nuclear