Environment, Health & Safety
Public Service Enterprise Group and its subsidiaries (PSEG) will responsibly conduct its worldwide businesses in a manner that protects the environment, and the health and safety of employees, contractors, customers, and the public. We will integrate this commitment into our business planning, engineering design, and operations by establishing and maintaining management systems that achieve operational excellence and carry out the following principles:
Foster a culture that makes the health, safety and well being of our employees and contractors doing work for us our number one priority - more important than production, profits and serving the customer - and provides every employee and contractor the absolute right and obligation to question, stop and correct any unsafe act or condition.
PSEG’s 12-component Health & Safety System
The PSEG Health & Safety System provides the tools that enable employees to take ownership for health and safety improvement efforts. Developed by teams of employees, the twelve components guide the way PSEG approaches health and safety and implements the attributes of trust, care, knowledge and communication contained in “Our Commitment to Health and Safety” statement.
Uphold our unique and essential responsibility to operate and maintain our nuclear plants with a profound respect for the reactor core and with an overarching charge to preserve the health and safety of the general public and our employees and contractors, foster a strong Nuclear Safety Culture, and continually strive for excellence in every part of our nuclear operation.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through conservation and energy efficiency improvements, developing and using renewable energy resources, and developing and using zero and low-carbon energy resources.Conduct our business in accordance with all applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations, internal policies, practices and procedures, and other relevant standards to which we may voluntarily subscribe, and provide the training, management systems, and resources necessary to do so.Assess and manage the environmental, health, and safety risks and hazards associated with all aspects of our business to protect our employees and contractors, our customers, the communities in which we operate, the environment, and our shareholders.Factor pollution prevention and resource conservation opportunities into our business planning, engineering design and operating decisions to help reduce our impact on the environment.Maintain an open and honest dialogue with our employees and stakeholders about the environmental, health, and safety issues we face and the environmental, health, and safety performance of our operations and services.Establish key measures to track our performance, set objectives and targets to drive continuous performance improvement, conduct audits and assessments, and promptly correct conditions that we determine threaten human health, safety, or the environment.PSEG Environment, Health and Safety Program Guide
This Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Program Guide describes the core elements of management systems that are required to implement the PSEG EHS Policy and provides guidance for developing and maintaining management systems to implement the PSEG EHS Policy.
Our Commitment to Health & Safety
Health and Safety must never be compromised. Your safety and well-being is our #1 priority – more than production, profits and serving the customer.