Community Engagement

PSEG and the entire MPRP team are committed to delivering a transmission solution that is community-informed, reliable, and mitigates impact to communities, people, and wildlife as much as possible. PSEG also has a duty, under its contract with PJM, to deliver a cost-effective solution for Maryland and PJM ratepayers.

PSEG was awarded the MPRP project in December 2023 and quickly worked to plan community engagement opportunities while also building a deep understanding of the landscape in the study area and understanding what routing options existed. PSEG contacted elected leaders, met with various groups, and held its first public feedback sessions in July.

PSEG’s first series of feedback sessions, which occurred in Baltimore, Carroll, and Frederick counties, generated more than 5,300 comments from residents, landowners, and business owners. These comments were carefully considered by the routing team and will help to inform the proposed route.

PSEG continues to engage with community members through a variety of public forums, and welcomes community questions, feedback, and comments. Please email us at

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